Kate Miller
3 min readFeb 17, 2023


My Experience with Aleric Heck’s AdOutreach

Are you wondering if you should sign up for Aleric Heck’s AdOutreach program, but you’re not sure if you should spend the money? In this post, I’m going to tell you what AdOutreach is like and help you figure out whether or not you should sign up.

If you are trying to decide whether to take the plunge and sign up, I know what it’s like to be in your shoes. I’m an entrepreneur and course creator — my business is Mighty Milk, and we offer breastfeeding classes for new and expectant parents.

Like many entrepreneurs and course creators, I’m always trying to figure out the best way to scale my business and in doing so, provide for my family. I had struggled with Facebook ads, and my account got shut down for no reason. It was so frustrating. And it happens to many business accounts.

Around this time, I heard Aleric talk on a podcast about YouTube ads, and suddenly, it all made so much sense to me. He talked about how people go to Youtube to learn about a topic, whereas on Facebook, they go to mindlessly scroll. That really clicked for me. In my head I was like, I have got to try AdOutreach. Sign me up. And then I booked a sales call ready to pull the trigger. But then the sales guy told me the price, and I just about fell over. I’m a one-person self funded business, so this was going to be a huge investment for me, and I wasn’t even sure if it was going to work. All of the testimonials Aleric provides are amazing, and I was hopeful, but what if it didn’t work? Well, long story short, I did decide to purchase the program.

You might be wondering what AdOutreach entails? Well, the program I did is the “Done With You” program. You know that saying, give a man (or woman) a fish, and they’ll eat for a day? Teach a woman to fish, and they’ll eat for a lifetime? Well, the idea of AdOutreach is that they teach you how to fish, or in this case, run Youtube ads, so that you can do it forever.

I really liked the sound of this approach because even though there is a learning curve, it meant I wasn’t reliant on an outside agency that I had to pay. I’ve also found I do the best job of writing and managing my own ads, and I think if I did have an agency, I would always be re-doing and editing their work. In the end, I knew that learning how to set up Youtube ads myself would be the most cost effective approach, and they would have the best chance of performing. However, here’s what I would want to caution you about the program.

AdOutreach can produce amazing results. But it’s not for every business, and it’s not for every person. Knowing whether you’re ready for AdOutreach can make the difference between investing a large amount of money, and flushing it down the drain.

If you’re wondering whether you should sign up for AdOutreach, I’ve put together a short PDF guide for just a few bucks that can help you make an informed decision that you feel confident in. It can help you determine whether you and your business are in a good position to be successful with the program. It’s all of the information I wish I had before I got started.

This is an honest review of AdOutreach. I’m not an affiliate and AdOutreach doesn’t pay me in any way. Unlike some other stuff on the Internet I found when I was trying to decide whether to do the program, the info isn’t sketchy. I go through what the “done with you” program is and what to expect.

I go through the pros and the cons, and give you an idea of who this program is amazing for, and just as important, who it isn’t good for. I ultimately share whether or not I recommend AdOutreach. I also tell you if I was able to make my campaign a success for my business, Mighty Milk.

Again this guide costs just a couple bucks and it can help bring you clarity around the decision of whether or not to make the leap and sign up for AdOutreach. Regardless of whether or not you end up investing in AdOureach, I can help you feel more confident in your decision within just a few minutes.

It’s a quick read, so go to the link and check it out.



Kate Miller

Kate Miller is the founder of Mighty Milk, offering binge-worthy online breastfeeding classes for new and expectant parents.